3.5 雷声大雨点小,虎头蛇尾。从香艳到惊魂,电影完成了一次穿梭在时代间的光影转换。虽不敢说是什么女性意识的觉醒,但娱乐性还是很强的。60年代的Anya Taylor-Joy真的是美到让人窒息了。导演Edgar Wright对60年代音乐的执念,从《八戒.八戒电影观看免费播放》一直延续到这部,女人俱乐部真的很!好!听!
The character of Villanelle is one of the most profound female TV roles. The role itself is actually quite simple, but the implications behind it are ineffable. The subtleness of human emotions, the representation (or the realization) of feminism, the capability of a female psychopath in an adorable way, and its pure female-gaze fascinate me. It's so sexy without being sexual. The tension between Oxana and all other characters is created by her alone, but somehow it works.